VMWARE has released vSphere 7 offering a lot of new and great features:
Read more about it here:
How to upgrade:
As always, start by downloading the ISO from my.vmware.com and mount this on a Windows server in your environment.
So, let’s say you have a Windows vCenter server, you want to migrate to VCSA, then do the following:
When you download the ISO, you will find theese folders on it:
The “vcsa-ui-installer” folder has a win32 folder in it, in there, run the installer.exe and choose to MIGRATE (Yes I am migrating a 6.7 VCSA to 7 VCSA! 🙂 )
Press Next 🙂
Connect to your source VCSA and enter credentials for it.
Specify the target ESXI host that is going to host your new vSphere 7 VCSA.
Specify the new name for your new VCSA 7 and the root password for it, remember the name cannot be a duplicate of the VCSA you are already running!
Set size:
It’s quite hungry for memory, but isn’t everything that theese days 🙂
Select datastores:
(I did go for thin-mode above, as my datastores in the, does now have the addequate space (1490GB needed!!)
Give it a temporary ip, it will take the ip that the source vcenter server uses, once it’s finished!:
Check all is good and press finish:
And we’re on the move with stage 1:
After a while it starts the new VCSA on this is displayed:
After several minutes, we see this:
And we are ready to continue:
Press Next to begin migration:
It will do some migration checks and will show this “warning”:
You decide here, I choose the smaller downtime:
Yes – I support CEIP 🙂
If all looks good, we can continue with stage 2 🙂 – Press Finish
(Remember to confirm that you have backed up the source vCenter server!)
Getting aware of that, we click OK:
Datamigration af the final stage 2 is now starting.
When you see this, the old server is shut down, and the new VCSA has the same IP and name, as the old vcenter server had.
Remember after this, your old vCenter server has to be deleted (Or renamed with new IP and vmware software removed – but not recommended.)
Notice that the old client is now long-gone, and only the HTML5 client is available.
Enjoy the cool new vCenter 7 Server Appliance 🙂